MIPS Reporting for Orthopaedics and Physical Therapy

Measure Title: Extent of Osteoarthritis Observed in Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy
Measure ID:CCOME5
High Priority Measure
Measure Type: Patient Reported Outcome
NQS Domain: Person and Caregiver Centered Experience and Outcome
Meaningful Measure:Functional Outcomes
Inverse Measure: No
Proportional Measure: Yes
Continuous Variable: No
Ratio Measure: No
Performance Rate Calculated: 1, 1st Performance Rate
Risk Adjusted: No
Care Setting: Hospital, Outpatient Services
Brief description of the measure: Percentage of patients aged 45 and higher undergoing primary arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) surgery who do not have grade IV chondromalacia in more than one compartment. On a per-surgeon level, the measure is expected to be 70% or higher; on a system level, the measure is expected to be 80% or higher.

DENOMINATOR: All patients aged 45 and higher undergoing primary APM surgery

NUMERATOR: Patients who do not have grade IV chondromalacia in more than one compartment.

DENOMINATOR EXCEPTION: Patients aged 44 and under; revision APM surgery; primary procedure other than APM