Measure Title: Patient-Reported Pain and/or Function Improvement after Total Hip Arthroplasty
Measure ID:CCOME7
High Priority Measure
Measure Type: Patient Reported Outcome
NQS Domain: Person and Caregiver Centered Experience and Outcome
Meaningful Measure: Functional Outcomes
Inverse Measure: No
Proportional Measure: Yes
Continuous Variable: No
Ratio Measure: No
Performance Rate Calculated: 1, 1st Performance Rate
Risk Adjusted: No
Brief description of the measure: Percentage of patients 18 years of age and older who obtained an improvement of at least 1 minimal clinically important difference (MCID) in hip pain and/or function as measured by validated patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) completed up to 90 days prior to and 9 to 15 months after undergoing primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) surgery. PROMs include any validated measures of hip-related pain and/or function with MCID thresholds supported by literature, including HOOS-Pain (24 points), HOOS-PS (23 points), and HOOS-JR (18 points).

DENOMINATOR: All patients 18 years of age and older undergoing elective primary THA surgery who completed hip-related PROMs (e.g., HOOS-Pain, HOOS-ADL, HOOS-PS, HOOS-JR) to measure hip pain and/or function up to 90 days prior to and 9-15 months after the surgery

NUMERATOR: Patients whose hip pain and/or function scores at 9-15 months post-op improved by at least 1 MCID from baseline.

DENOMINATOR EXCEPTION: Patients under 18 years of age; emergent (non-elective) THA; revision THA surgery; hip pain and/or function PROMs not completed up to 90 days prior to and 9-15 months after surgery.